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Swing Axle Seal Kit
Part #111598051A

Applications :
Beetle 1946-1967

Karmann Ghia 1956-1967
Bus 1950-1967
Type 3 1964-1967

Country of Origin - Brazil
Brand Manufacturer - SABO

Our Price
: $9.95 / kit


Stock Availability
Out of Stock
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tech notes:
Kit can be used on later Beetles, Ghias, and Type 3s as some components are the same (grease seal and cotter pin only).  One kit required per side. 1964-1967 Bus owners should be aware that this kit comes with the shorter cotter pin used on small nut transmissions - it will work with the larger axle nut but is 10mm shorter than original. Be sure to inspect your bearing spacers for corrosion - if they are corroded they will need to be replaced for this kit to effectively seal the axle.
detailed description:
Comes with grease seals, washer, two o-rings, two paper gaskets, and cotter pin. Not all years used all the parts.
quality issues:
None Noted. These kits are made by SABO which is an OEM to VW. Excellent quality!
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