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Sometimes the toughest wiring problems can be tracked to down to a relay failing.

A           B
C               D

Flasher Relays
illus Year Item # Price Order
A 46-65 111953185B $17.95 Cart2.gif (943 bytes)
B 66 111953225B $84.95 Cart2.gif (943 bytes)
C 67-68 211953227B $69.95 Cart2.gif (943 bytes)
D 68-70 211953215C $16.95 Cart2.gif (943 bytes)
E 71-79 191953227A $9.95 Cart2.gif (943 bytes)


Headlight Dimmer Relay
illus Year Item # Description Price Order
F 67-79 111941583 12v $74.95 Cart2.gif (943 bytes)
Rear Window Defroster Relay
illus Year Item # Price Order
G 71-79 0332019150 $12.95 Cart2.gif (943 bytes)
Fuel Pump Relay
illus Year Item # Price Order
H 75-79 0332514120 $199.95 Cart2.gif (943 bytes)


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