to use our site!!
We've done our best to make our site extremely intuitive to use - but here are some tips to help
you navigate it just in case!
the part you need in our catalog is as easy as knowing what kind
of car you have and what kind of part you're looking for (brake
part, clutch part, interior part and so on)
the left side of every page we have our catalog column. It lists
the different air-cooled models we sell parts for - click on
your model and you'll be sent to it's online catalog.
the online catalog page, you'll be given choices of eleven
different sections - click on one and you'll be taken to smaller
subsections of that area. |
Once it the subsection, your choices will be made more specific.
Sometimes there will be another subsection beyond this, but in
most areas this will take you straight to that area. Click on the subsection you
want to go to.
This page will list the parts in that subsection that we offer
along with what years the part fits and sometimes a brief
description. However, just because they are on this page does not
necessarily mean they are in stock or even currently available.
Click on the cart icon by the item you need to get more
information on it. |
Now you are on the product master page where larger and more
detailed pictures of the part will be seen, along with technical
notes and more product information. This page will also list if
the part is currently in stock or not and will allow you to add
the item to your shopping cart.