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Transmission Mounts

It's always a smart move to check you transmission mounts when you pull your engine. Old and rotting mounts will allow vibration and thus noise into your car from your engine and transmission so keeping the mounts in good standing will help your cars overall stability! Also, if your shifter is really shaky or your VW shakes bad on initial take-off, your front mount may need replacing.

A         B

Front Transmission Mounts
illus Year Item # Price Order
A 50-59 211301297 $19.95
B 60-67 211301265A $21.95 Cart2.gif (943 bytes)
C 68-71 211599201A $29.95 Cart2.gif (943 bytes)


D       E

Rear Transmission Mounts
illus Year Item # Side Price Order
D 55-67 113301263 L or R $10.95 ea Cart2.gif (943 bytes)
E 68-71* 211199231A L or R - sold in pairs $22.95 Cart2.gif (943 bytes)
F 72-79* 021199231C L or R - sold in pairs $19.95 Cart2.gif (943 bytes)
* - rear cross member mounts
Rear Transmission Mount Attaching Hardware
illus Year Item # Side Price Order
G 55-67 N102387 Bolt $.30 each Cart2.gif (943 bytes)
H 55-67 N122282 Spring Washer $.35 each Cart2.gif (943 bytes)
I 55-67 N110083 Nut $.15 each Cart2.gif (943 bytes)
Upper Motor Mounts
illus Year Item # Side Price Order
J 72-79 211599431 L and R - sold in pairs $24.95 Cart2.gif (943 bytes)
Urethane Transmission Mount Kit
illus Year Item # Price Order
K 60-71 6519-BL $28.95 Cart2.gif (943 bytes)
Front Transaxle Mount Carrier Plate
illus Year Item # Price Order
L 72-79 211599249A $9.95 Cart2.gif (943 bytes)
Transmission Carrier
illus Year Item # Price Order
M 50-67 111301255A $44.95 Cart2.gif (943 bytes)
Frame Horn Transmission Mount Bolts
illus Year Item # Price Order
N 50-67 113301257 $19.95 pr. Cart2.gif (943 bytes)
Front Transmission Mount Bracket
illus Year Item # Price Order
O 68-71 211599231 $29.95 Cart2.gif (943 bytes)



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